Archive for the ‘millionaire rooster’ Category

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Cluuking about on the web and the high street….

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What have a millionaire rooster and two six foot snowmen got in common? All three are clients of Golden Goose PR…or at least, they are this month, whilst we escort them around the country as their publicists and agents!

Having returned from our trip to Kent with Stan and Ollie Snow (see recent blog!), GGPR was thrilled to hear that a new personality had joined our client rooster. Oops..we mean rosta. And this is none other than Cluuk, a Buff Orpington rooster which, under the entrepreneurial eye of internet business E-invesco is churning out free cash from his former master’s estate at

Sound too good to be true? It really isn’t. You don’t have to register to play, you just visit and hit the ‘click to win free cash’ button. In an instant, you find out if you are cluucky. If you are, you receive your pay out through Paypal. If you aren’t, you are given an immediate invitation to have another free go. The free goes, by the way, are infinite.

To draw attention to this fabulous game where everyone can be a winner, Remy escorted a five foot version of Cluuk to Oxford Street today and together, they dished out fivers, tenners, £20 notes and £50 notes to passers-by. You can imagine the excitement!

Meanwhile, back at the nest, we’re suffering from a spot of Clicketycluukitis. We can’t stop playing in the hope of becoming the first Cluuk millionaires. Felicity and Laura Lou have both won £5 already.

This time next year, Rodney….

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