Archive for the ‘lost Christmas presents’ Category

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Has anyone seen our Christmas presents?

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Two days to go til Christmas and GGHQ is very delighted to see that our national survey for Access Self Storage has made its way in to O.K! Magazine online with more nationals and regionals set to follow!

Working with Access Self Storage, we revealed that 44% of the nation’s parents forget where they hide their Christmas gifts. 43% of parents said their laughable gift-hiding skills often ended up in children finding their presents way before the big day.

If you are worried about where or how to hide your Christmas presents, then Helen Brennan from Access Self Storage gives these tips!

1. Take more time to think about where to hide presents; avoid under beds and under stairs.

2. Send yourself an email reminder of what you’ve put where!

3. Store presents above children’s eye level; keeping them up high up means they are less. likely to come across them whilst rummaging for something else.

4. If you’ve got lots of presents to hide, share a storage unit with family or friends.

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