September 1, 2008
A Mayoral Moment

When it comes to die hard fans, there are few that are as devoted to the cause as our Tory-Goose; Ms Hardingham. On hearing that her idol, London Mayor Boris Johnson was walking the streets of High Street Kensington to listen to the voice of the people, it didn’t take two ticks for her to plump her feathers and fly the nest in search of her quarry.
Fighting through the hoards of paparazzo, police and general HSK riff raff, Flick charged on up to the Mayor and politely curtsied *whispering under her breath “I love you Boris”* – then with the determination found in the soul of all good Geese, she thrust a Fujifilm camera into the hands of a nearby copper and asked whether she’d take a picture of them together. At this point most people would smile and say “cheese” however the lovely and demure Flick said quite proudly; “Your hair is my idol”.
A somewhat confused Mayor muttered his thanks before shaking hands and asking for her opinion on the extension of the congestions charge, at which point she thought there were better things to be doing (like writing up this entry onto the news site) so headed back to the office with a very satisfied grin and photo to be framed and mounted on the wall. All in all, a very good start to the month indeed.