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You know summer is here when planning for the Cartier International Polo gets underway. For the third year running, Golden Goose PR will be supporting the Chinawhite enclosure at this prestigious event. The team wanted to ensure that they were on top of their game and so popped to Ascot Park Polo Club for a refresher lesson to ensure they can really get into the swing of things.
This year Argentina plays England for The Coronation Cup. Following a spectacular lunch in the Chinawhite enclosure, the evenings entertainment will be provided by DJ Jade Jagger (and Jezabel Soundsystem) and Ibiza stalwart Rob Marmont. Tickets are limited for the 2009 event and are available to members of Chinawhite, Quintessentially, TLC and those proposed by the Chinawhite at The Cartier International Polo Membership Committee. For more information please go to Polo.chinawhite.com
Chinawhite at the Cartier International
Date: Sunday 26th July, gates open at 10am, Chinawhite enclosure gates open 12.00 noon
Venue: Smiths Lawn, Guards Polo Club, Windsor Great Park