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This year instead of sending Christmas cards, Golden Goose PR decided to donate some of its time to a charitable cause and Laura was the lucky one to venture out into the jungle and more specifically a children’s home on the Thai Burmese border. A 12 hour flight and eight hour bus ride later Laura arrived in Sangklaburi and more importantly Baan Unrak Children’s Home. Baan Unrak provides food, housing, emotional support and education to over 140 children.
Sangklaburi as an area is home to many refugees fleeing war, forced labor and poverty in Myamar/Burma. Leaving family and community behind has destroyed the support network for families and exacerbated the immense challenges they face when relocating to a foreign country and culture. Upon arrival in Thailand, Burmese immigrants are restricted to living in a small region around the border where they encounter discrimination and lack of jobs. Access to medical treatment and public education is also limited. Most of the children at Baan Unrak have either come from Burma or were born in Thailand but lack legal papers claiming their national identity.
Laura spent a wonderful ten days in Sangklaburi running activities with the children including an art workshop and yoga rehearsals as well as supporting in the nursery, spending one-on-one time with new arrivals, assisting with medical care and accompanying the team on the outreach program where volunteers take much needed supplies out to the elderly and the young in Burma.
The experience is one Laura will never forget and we all take our hats off to the individuals who dedicate their lives to nurturing, loving and supporting all of Baan Unrak’s wonderful children. Without them, they would literally have nowhere to go.
GGPR is currently planning a number of fundraising initiatives to support the home and is looking for 5 volunteers to visit the home and build a much needed fence around the complex. If you are interested in assisting in this project or hearing more about how you can support the home, please email laura@goldengoosepr.com